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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Discover the Truth About How to Lose Belly Fat and Get a Flat Stomach

There is far too much information these days on how to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach. You'll be happy to know that most of it isn't necessary. All you have to do is adhere to a few basic concepts (which are too often overlooked), and you'll be on your way to a flat stomach in just a few weeks. Basic Concept #1: Goal-setting Believe it or not, most people fail at getting that flat stomach to show off at the beach, because they give up psychologically before they have a chance to see any results. By setting goals in the right way, it'll keep you motivated to the point where exercising and eating healthy becomes habitual, it becomes a part of who you are. So take some time to sit down and think about what you want to achieve. How will it feel when you've achieved it? Write it down and read it to yourself EVERY morning! For example: "Heads are turning at the beach when I walk by with my tight sexy body." Do this! It's a crucial first step. If you don't set goals and refer to them on a regular basis, then you might as well stop dreaming about losing that belly fat and getting a flat stomach. Basic Concept #2: Eat wisely Been going to the gym, making all that effort and still can't lose that belly fat? Did you know that you have to jog at moderate to high intensity for half an hour to burn just 300 kilocalories? That's less than the number of kilocalories found in a single bar of Snickers!

So you could be killing yourself on the treadmill for 1 hour every day, and totally undo all that hard work within 2 minutes by consuming 2 measly bars of chocolate. Sort it out! Start consuming less calories than you expend, eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones, drink lots of water to increase your metabolism, and away goes that belly fat! Yup, it's that simple! Think, is it easier to jog/run for half an hour, or to simply decide not to have that chocolate bar? Basic Concept #3: Cardiovascular Exercise High intensity training is definitely the way forward to a flat stomach! Not only has it been found to be more effective at burning calories than boring, long duration, low intensity exercise, but you also feel amazing afterwards!

Your lung capacity increases, your heart's stroke volume increases so your pulse rate goes way down, your basal metabolic rate increases... the list of benefits goes on. Interval training is an excellent way to achieve this. This is where you exercise at maximum intensity for 30 to 60 seconds, then low intensity for the same space of time, then high, then low again... for as long as you like. If you're pushing yourself hard enough with the intensity, just 10 minutes a day 3 days a week is plenty to quickly lose belly fat and get a flat stomach. Basic Concept #4: Weight Training For men and women alike, read on! It's impossible to lose fat on its own. As you lose fat, you inevitably lose muscle alongside it. Since losing muscle reduces your basal metabolic rate (BMR - the amount of calories your body burns at rest), the more weight you lose, the more difficult it becomes to continue losing it, or to maintain that state.

Although training with weights burns far fewer calories than cardiovascular exercise, it makes up by increasing your BMR and burning calories continuously, even when you're sleeping! Hence the quickest way to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach is to adhere to all of the above and to maintain or grow muscle through weight training.

The ability to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach is under YOUR control. Effort alone is not enough, you have to arm yourself with information on the most efficient and proven ways to lose weight and keep it off permanently! Read around and gather all the information you can - experiment with different methods until you find a way that works. To get you started, click on the following link to discover a method that thousands have used to easily and naturally lose that stubborn belly fat


I Want Abs - How to Get a Flat Stomach

Finding fat loss success is like swimming in an endless ocean, we search and search and find the same thing, water, and it never ends. There are different tools some suggest diet, some suggest endless running, some suggest ab exercises, the list is endless. The bottom line is usually these ideas and concepts, they just don't work. It seems like it is an endless journey and perhaps you weren't meant to succeed. Well, I want to tell you something you can and will succeed. You will lose the weight on your stomach and have those shiny abs you always wanted.

You don't need to take fat burning pills; they are usually temporary or not effective at all. Forget about long cardio workouts, we are tricked into believing we need this to lose fat and have abs, it's just not necessary. The trick is in a couple of diet changes, adding in certain foods and removing a couple, nothing drastic that you can't handle. In addition, adding in a quick, short, simple workout a few times a week.

Don't fear, you only need to do quick exercises for only about 10 - 20 minutes a day, they aren't ab exercises, and they work, to boost your metabolism, burn fat, and show your abs. Food is important to, but don't worry, you don't have to completely change your lifestyle as others require. If you ever notice, when others or yourself go on a fad diet, you will lose some pounds, but right when you get off the diet, the pounds come right back on. The reason for this is, because they are not healthy diets and usually that weight is just water weight, and you didn't actually lose weight!

There are certain foods, that are natural and healthy that will boost your metabolism and help burn fat. They are healthy for you, provide nutrients, and are delicious. On top of this you would only need to give up certain desserts and perhaps soda, but generally, it is not too bad at all. Weight can be lost, and abs can be revealed, forget about these systems, they come and go, and most or all of them don't work. The secret is simple, certain key exercises and certain key foods need to be implemented into the diet for success.


How to Get a Flat Stomach in 2 Weeks - Extremely Easy Methods to a Sexy, Toned Body Line!

How to get a flat stomach in 2 weeks can be as easy as 1, 2, and 3. It is quite easy, all you need to do is follow these easy tips and you are on your way.

Identify your problem area.

To get a flat stomach in 2 weeks involves all of these muscles to work together: upper, middle, lower, or the obliques? Once you have identified, do not think that you should only concentrate on that area alone. The abdominal muscle is one long muscle supported by the oblique muscles and the muscles of your lower back and a weak link may not make a flat stomach.

Which of these well established and proven abdominal exercises works best for you?

The thing to remember is that each of these exercises target specific areas. Choosing just one exercise is not the way it works. How to get a flat stomach in 2 weeks needs combination exercises that will ensure the strength of the muscle groups. Crunches with a twist, leg flutter, leg raises, bicycles, scissors and captain's chair lifts are the choice list. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully when doing these exercises.

Find what foods you like the most

To get a flat stomach involves good nutrition. Eliminate from your list those which have too much fat, junky, and too much sugar. Adjust to raw fruits and vegetables, lean meat, egg whites, high fibre bread, vitamin supplements that are not too high on the B-complex as this can trigger hunger pangs) and water, lots and lots of water. To aid in curbing the hunger and eat small meals 4-6 times a day.

Combining exercise and diet

Shocking your muscles into high rep high stress exercise will not be good for your body. How to get a flat stomach in 2 weeks is a combination of good nutrition and good exercise. So start off easy with a few reps of the exercise you choose. Gradually increase the reps once you gain muscle strength.


Quick Tips on How to Get a Flat Stomach

Continuously seeking tips on how to get a flat stomach is a good idea because it helps you maintain interest in keeping a flat belly. While some people are contempt with a little bit of information on how to flatten their stomach, it is those who are continuously learning that thrive faster and sustain having a flat belly. So, the first tip for you to get a flat tummy is to continuously learn how to get a flat stomach. This article will help you retain your focus on eating properly and exercising to get the flat tummy you want.

The second tip on how to get a flat belly is to concern more about cardio exercises and less on muscle building. If you want to get a flat belly you need to realize that performing exercises that build muscles will not flatten your stomach because that is not its purpose. By concerning about muscle building you are simply strengthening your muscles but not getting rid of the fat, and by such not flattening your stomach - only strengthening the muscles!

Perform cardiovascular exercises is how you get a flat stomach! Cardio exercises burns fat a lot more than strength training, and as such will have your stomach trim and toned, as opposed to fat and muscular. You especially should perform cardio exercises if your stomach is big and fat, i.e. if you have a beer belly.

Another tip on how to get a flat stomach is to integrate exercise into your life, as opposed to working out only for a proposed period of time. By incorporating exercise into your life you are sustaining your commitment to have a flat tummy because exercise will be a way of life for you and as such it will not be a struggle to stay in shape. This is the same with your diet. Eat healthily as a way of life and not just as a means to get a flat belly.

One more tip you should consider to have a flat belly is to have a role model. This is an important concept that is often overlooked, but assuming you continue to seek new information on how to get a flat stomach you'll benefit immensely if you have someone or people that you admire. This is beneficial because you will always have new ideals, and this makes it a lot less likely that you'll 'let yourself go!'


How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast Without Supplements

One of the most desired body part improvement is the stomach, whether it's us men wanting washboard abs or the ladies wanting to tighten up and tone up their midsections. The fascination and desire to have a flat and sexy stomach in modern society has lead to a billion dollar supplement industry. These days you simply need to pick up a magazine flip through a few pages to see muscular men and toned woman showing off their flat stomachs promoting the latest whiz bang exercise equipment or miracle drug to help reveal your six pack abs. Learn how to get a flat stomach fast once and for all!

Let's face it, having a flat stomach is not the norm these days, male and female models are plastered on television, billboards and magazines but do not let that discourage you. It only takes a few changes in your diet and training regime to tighten the midsection faster than you ever thought was possible. Let's look at how to get a flat stomach fast without spending a fortune on supplements and magic pills.

Improve Your Diet - Cut out all sugars, processed snacks and junk, go back to basic nutrition, fresh fruit and vegetables with lean meats, such as chicken and fish. Eating lean protein that is found in chicken and fish contains less calories than sugary, salty snacks. Not only will you be able to eat more when eating clean healthy food but you will feel a lot more energetic.

Speed Up Your Metabolism - There is a reason why some can run around sporting a flat stomach whilst eating what they please, the reason? A speedy metabolism, don't fear you can super charge your metabolism by eating small portion meals every 2-3 hours. Split the conventional three meals a day into six. You will notice you have more energy and your appetite will increase, don't fear it, remember while eating wholesome food that contain low calories you will be able to keep yourself satisfied.

Increase Your Physical Activity - Adding Cardio Work Outs - You DO NOT need to go crazy with cardio every single day like some suggest, but you should look at power walking, running or bike riding to burn fat fast. Aim to have your heart rate around the 130-140 BPM(beats per minute) mark. If possible, do your cardio sessions first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast, this will help melt fast extremely fast.

Drink More Water - Not enough can be said about the importance of staying hydrated. Drink more water, have a bottle at work or school, and have a more mouthfuls when possible. DO NOT wait to until you feel thirsty, this is a sign that you are already dehydrated. Since you are adding additional cardio sessions, get into the routine of have a water bottle with you at all times.

Traditional stomach exercises are a thing of the past. Do not let yourself strain, pull and injury yourself performing exercises that are a thing of the past. Some of the most intense stomach exercises will have you strength your core and tighten your midsection in no time.

DO NOT settle and put off getting the body that you deserve, change your lifestyle and look and feel terrific by making simple yet effect changes to your lifestyle to get a flat sexy stomach today.

Learn about the exercises and diets that cover models, celebrities and athletes have known about for years, without paying $1000's on fancy equipment or personal trainers. Learn How To Get A Flat Stomach Fast [], Get access to over FREE material including 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Getting Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat as well as a trial to the highest selling Six Pack Abs Program for the past 3 years. The Truth About Six Pack Abs []!
