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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Belly Fat - The One Sure Way to Lose It(Hot To Get A Flat Stomach)

Hot To Get A Flat Stomach

When most people talk about losing weight, they're actually talking about losing the fat around their middle, the belly fat. How often do you hear people talk about their spare tire or love handles? What people really want, but haven't figured out how to get, is the flat stomach they had in their 20's or 30's.

To lose fat and regain the flat stomach of youth everyone thinks the answer is a lot of on-the-floor tummy crunches, hours on the treadmill and other abdominal exercises. Why do you think you see so many ab exercise machines advertised on TV? It's because people think stomach exercises are the answer. Not so! In fact, stomach exercises, especially using all those rollers, loungers and squeezers you see on TV, do nothing to flatten your tummy and give you the firm, shapely, fun-to-show-off abs you see in pictures.

The real solution is to lower the percentage of body fat in such a way that your firm abdominal muscles are once again visible. Look at kids running around playing and constantly on the go. Their body fat levels are extremely low because their high activity burns up their caloric intake.

So how do you, as an adult, do that? In reality, the best way to quickly burn fat is a well balanced, high resistance exercise program like the one developed by the world's number one abs trainer through years of dedicated research and daily gym testing. Couple that with good eating habits and you'll soon have firm abs and a flat stomach.

Many people go to their neighborhood gym where the emphasis is on cardio routines designed to keep the heart strong and pumping lots of blood. The instructor shows them which machines to use and off they go, but they don't lose weight or belly fat. Cardio routines aren't designed to remove fat. You'll sweat and breathe hard, but you won't lose weight.

Years of fitness research and daily testing by the world's most sought-after abs trainer has shown that dramatic results can be easily achieved using exercises designed for each specific muscle group to engage the body's "core" area and burn up fat. It's the one successful way to have a flat, firm stomach and little or no belly fat. It's a fun, invigorating way to reshape your body and have the trim, flat stomach and firm, rippled abs you see in magazines and on TV. Along the way you'll also get great cardio workouts.

Picture yourself as you want to look with a flat stomach, firm abs, trim hips, and new clothes to fit the new you. Imagine how good you'll feel knowing you've accomplished the weight loss and found the flat stomach you thought you'd never have again.

You can do it. Then, listen to all your friends say, "Look at you! How'd you do that?" Won't that feel great?

Jack Schmitt created for people who truly want to replace belly fat with a firm, flat stomach. There's only one sure way to lose belly fat and it doesn't include cardio workouts, treadmills or ab machines. Find out how to bring your trim, flat stomach out of hiding at Jack's tummy sculpting website.

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-Hot To Get A Flat Stomach-

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